Between my writing here, the several games of Keep on the Shadowfell I've played in or run, and the discussion I've had about it on forums, I feel like I know Winterhaven pretty well by now.
Which makes it very odd to see Winterhaven rendered artistically from the original KoTS map and find it recognisable. Like it's a place that actually existed, and that I've been to.
Some of you, I know, are already well acquainted with D&D Doodles - particularly its author Crazyred, who's an Eleven Foot Pole reader! Somehow Crazyred's failed to heavily promote his site here at EFP so I'll do it for him. All of you who haven't been there before, go give it a quick click.
Relevantly to the focus of Eleven Foot Pole, D&D Doodles features an awesome series of Nentir-vale related sketch art and maps. They do a great job of bringing 4th Edition's "default setting" to life and making it seem like a real place that people live in. If you've not seen it before, go and check out his Winterhaven, his Fallcrest, and the wealth of other excellent doodling and cartography that's on display.
I dislike the blandness of 4E's default setting, but this goes some way to bringing it to life. Thanks for this!
Funny, looking back at Winterhaven this way, I remember what spurred me to make the map in the first place: somewhere in KotS they suggest players ask for directions to Valthrun's tower. It's five stories tall and a block away! Looking at a straight-down map, maybe that makes sense....
Thanks for the review! I'm flattered.
Wow! Thanks for the link - everything on that site is stunning!
Incredible work, Mr. Crazyred!
I've had a hankering to run cartoon fantasy for ages, and that's got me all enthused again...
Amazing! :)
Agreed. Stunning work, and something WotC should do. It turns a map into a town, which is a massive boost to roleplaying.
In fact, someone should shout about this on the WotC forums (I can't access them from work). Even if Crazyred doesn't end up with (or want) the gig, SOMEONE should be doing this sort of stuff officially for products.
I've used previous versions of Winterhaven from that guy. It looks great and indeed helps in bringing towns alive. But the cartoon style isn't for me though.
With some mild n00b photoshop skillz
Not apropos to this post, but certainly relevant to the site, from the writeup of the Adventure Builder's Seminar at Gencon:
"n their home campaigns, the panelists balance the two. However, they all point out that adventures written for publication purposefully favor combat. The writers of an adventure cannot anticipate the dynamics of your home game, so instead of trying to dictate certain elements of roleplaying, these products aim to give a DM tools he or she can infuse with story elements that are meaningful to his or her particular group. To an extent, published adventures are built for pillaging, so as writers, the panelists try to give the hard details and let you fill in the story."
Greg, you still out there? Must be crazy at work, I know how that is.
We miss you!
Come on, Greg! We need our fix! :)
Eagerly waiting for another update.
Is this blog dead?
Hey, first time posting here (hi everyone), but I too would like to voice my support/eagerness for our next update—you still there greg?
A week ago on Wednesday Greg mentioned on Facebook that he had already worked his normal weekly number of hours with 2 days left in the week. I haven't heard anything from him since so he's probably either still buried in overtime or tired and unwilling to look at a computer monitor in his spare time.
I'll be praying for some rest/peace in Greg's life and a new post when he's refreshed and able.
The Artwork Reminds me of Asterix books!
Hi, guys!
Any news on any updates?
I hope Greg comes back soon.
At this point it's over a month since Greg's last post.
I believe that in blog terms that's long enough to presume death...
Hi, I'm fairly new to this blog, but I wanted to join everyone else here in voicing my support. Your posts have been both entertaining and informative, and as a new DM running through KotS (and maybe Thunderspire, some day?), I really look forward to reading more.
Best of luck, and hope to see a new post soon!
I just had an email conversation with Greg.
He said of Eleven Foot Pole: "I have plans to come back to it; however recent real-life events have left me short on time and a little unmotivated.
It may yet return."
He gave me the ok to post that publically so that at least people are aware.
Come back soon Greg :)
Cool, thanks for the heads-up.
It's a bit frustrating for us readers that Greg's real-life problems choose to appear right before he writes about the best part of thunderspire..
But even if we don't ever see another blog post here, I'd like to take this opportunity to say "thank you" Greg.
I completely understand real life issues. As much as we want more of Greg´s posts, he should take his time and deal with them.
But, Greg, please come back to this when you have some time. This blog is excellent! And as Falke said, thank you for your previous work, even if the blog is dead from now on.
Yes, thank you, Greg.
This blog kicks serious arse, and even as an experienced DM (got almost 8 years behind my belt), and even if I don't use those modules, your comments keep helping me get better.
You're an inspirational read, and although I understand life can get hectic, I can't wait to hear more of you.
So, thanks again,
Ah well..another with AAR of DnD4.0, albeit not with the 'official' modules:
Thanks for an excellent Blog Greg.
I look forward to your return.
Just discovered this blog. I absolutely love your analysis, please resume your excellent work!
I've enjoyed reading your blog.
Feel no pressure to continue it.
I hope you are well.
I realize the hiatus may well be permanent, but I just wanted to say thank you very much Greg. I've really enjoyed this blog.
I'm running Thunderspire right now and this blog has made me think critically about it and what changes I may need to made. Thanks
I know this is a shameless plug, but I wanted to let everyone know that, unable to get my review fix via Greg's site I've decided to begin my own review.
I'm starting a review of the Scales of War adventure path on my blog The Astral Sea.
I hope to see some of you there.
In case this is the end of the blog I just wanted to say thank you Greg. I've just started DMing and reading your posts has helped me and (indirectly) my players immeasurably.
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